Friday, February 29, 2008

The Radical Center

Through the wrestling that I have been doing on this blog (and outside it) with the liberal versus conservative debate, I have said that I have always found myself as a "middle-of-the-road" voter, and that I increasingly find Aristotle's Golden Mean to be valuable. This internal debate has led me to a discovery of work being done in 'the radical center'. It is sometimes called 'the third way'. In scholarship, one of the leading thinkers of the third way is sociologist Anthony Giddens (pictured here). I am going to pursue this line of thought in the months to come. I am very intrigued by it. The main point is that there are good ideas on the left and the right, but what is best for our society at any given time is probably to be found somewhere in the middle. The word "radical," represents rootedness. Being radically in the center is to be rooted in the center.

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