Monday, February 25, 2008


Aurora is a vision of thousands of streams of light spreading through an otherwise dark night sky.

The grace of God is present in the world. It has been recognized in so many forms throughout so many cultures in the world. It is not new. It is as old as time itself. It need not be conceptualized as a personal being called 'God'. It is the life force. It is the vital energy of the universe. It is the source of all being. This power is beyond any representative abstraction.

It is the indescribable Tao of Laozi.
It is the inspiration of the Buddhadharma.
It is, more accurately, the Buddhidharma, for everyone has the Buddha nature within.
It is the content of true Islam.
It is the content of true Christianity.
Is the content of true Judaism.
It is the vision of Ueshiba who proclaimed Aikido to be "the art of peace."
It is ubiquitous. Yet so very underutilized and unrealized in the personal lives of most people.

It is the hope of being truly human.

Aurora is an open invitation to receive this gift, offered by those who have experienced it to those who have experienced it only slightly or who are not aware of having experienced it. The vital and guiding energy that is experienced as the Buddhidharma is available to all who seek it. The time is now.

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